Rosebud Gift Cards

Rosebud Gift Cards are a great way to show your loved ones and friends how much you appreciate their artistic gifts. Rosebud Gift Cards are available in different packages.

Our $25 gift card is good for one hour of studio activity, with a choice of either pottery, drawing, painting, collage, or sculpture making.

Our $50, $75, & $100 gift cards are good for two, three, and four hours of studio activity respectively, with a choice of pottery, drawing, painting, collage, or sculpture making.

Our $65 gift card is designed towards a two hour after school studio program which includes school pickup from PS 139, PS 217 and PS 889. You could buy this gift card for your loving children, grandchildren, or even for your friends’ children. 

Our $450 gift card is good for a full pottery, drawing, painting, printmaking or sculpture course, and our $680 gift card goes towards a weeklong art camp during DOE-approved school holidays!

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