Oil Painting


Oil Painting

Course duration: 10 classes


Oil Painting

Oil Painting is an old, well-known medium of art making, but Oil Painting techniques differ from culture to culture, period to period and art movement to art movement. The Early Renaissance painters and the early Netherlandish painters looked for realistic tonalities. The Baroque and the Rococo painters promoted their highly distinct and stylized approaches. After the neoclassical painters of Europe, the Impressionists took oil painting outdoors and famously used impasto techniques to convey their subjective understanding of nature. The Post-Impressionists were largely colorists, and important forerunners of the explosive expressionists and their seminal oil techniques. At Rosebud Art Studio, we will teach these Classical Oil Painting techniques and guide students through spontaneous expressionist modes.

Oil Painting course at Rosebud Art Studio has four practical components –

Component – 1 – Still life painting,

Component – 2 – Portrait painting,

Component – 3 – Landscape painting.

The Still life and Portrait will be studio-based, and the landscape component will be conducted in Prospect Park.

Component – 4 – Creative Composition – This component is a studio-based activity, and the student will be guided to incorporate the still life, portrait and the landscape to form a creative composition over a canvas.

Course duration: 10 classes


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